Seahurst Drug & Alcohol Addiction Helpline
We Can Help! Call 24/7
Conversations are confidential and treatment advisors are on the line 24/7 to walk you through the process to recovery.
Seahurst Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

What Happens When you call?
We Are In Recovery Too!
Almost every person that you will talk to has been through recovery themselves. They know your situation from experience and can relate to your circumstances. They can help you immensely and make calling easier.
Fear Not
Our helpline advisers are not police officers and you will not get in trouble with the law or arrested. Our objective is to get you help as soon as possible. This is a no-judgment zone.
Get Your Questions Answered
You’ll be asked a lot of questions so we can assess your situation and fully understand what you or your loved one is going through. You may have questions of your own. Rest assured we have the answers – if we don’t, we’ll find someone who does!

I’d have to say that if you need help with addiction. This program is highly recommended by this guy. Stuff is very Knowledgeable, helpful, motivating, and inspiring in working and teaching people about addiction and helping them beat their addicting tendencies. I’ve gained a new family and hope that I will keep on the right. Thank u for all you have done for me

I appreciated the program. The staff is so supportive and great listeners.
You connect with good people, who work to better themselves. They are the best you’ll ever meet.
Ready to Get Started?
Send us a message. One of our team members will get right back to you.